Caution: Doors!: After an excessive shopping experience, Bernard only wants to go home. The revolving door in the department store looked quite harmless at first...
In the museum: Museums have good reason to ask their guests - and thus also Bernard - to keep their distance from the exhibits...
Street race: Bernard and his sports car are inseparable. Next to this team, the fierce bear will not tolerate any competition, and certainly not at a red light!
Stranded: Having everyone against you in familiar surroundings is one thing. But on a desert island?
Baseball: Bernard trains at the pitching machine, at least no sparring partner bothers him there. Unless, of course, the machine develops a life of its own...
The convertible: Bernard is proud of his convertible! The only problem is: You can't carry much in the trunk. That causes more problems than you think ...
Caution: Doors!: After an excessive shopping experience, Bernard only wants to go home. The revolving door in the department store looked quite harmless at first...
In the museum: Museums have good reason to ask their guests - and thus also Bernard - to keep their distance from the exhibits...
Street race: Bernard and his sports car are inseparable. Next to this team, the fierce bear will not tolerate any competition, and certainly not at a red light!
Stranded: Having everyone against you in familiar surroundings is one thing. But on a desert island?
Baseball: Bernard trains at the pitching machine, at least no sparring partner bothers him there. Unless, of course, the machine develops a life of its own...
The convertible: Bernard is proud of his convertible! The only problem is: You can't carry much in the trunk. That causes more problems than you think ...