Zombie Hotel is an animated children's program about a hotel run by zombies, produced by French production company Alphanim and shown internationally. The main characters are Fungus and Maggot, two child zombies who pretend to be human to get into their local school, and their family and boarders at the hotel run by their parents. They make friends with Sam, a human boy whose mother is away most of the time. Sam soon finds out about their zombie powers and all three make a team of friends. Sam uses an old railway carriage as his haunt. The plot often involves a risk of the discovery of Maggot and Fungus' zombie nature and the three trying to prevent this. The hotel itself is one of several main locations used in the show. Others include the school and Sam's railway carriage.
Maggot and Fungus, the two little zombies, are very excited because their first day of human school is approaching. But their mother Urnetta forbids them to speak to anyone at school. After all, no one shall find out that they are zombies.
Zombie Hotel is an animated children's program about a hotel run by zombies, produced by French production company Alphanim and shown internationally. The main characters are Fungus and Maggot, two child zombies who pretend to be human to get into their local school, and their family and boarders at the hotel run by their parents. They make friends with Sam, a human boy whose mother is away most of the time. Sam soon finds out about their zombie powers and all three make a team of friends. Sam uses an old railway carriage as his haunt. The plot often involves a risk of the discovery of Maggot and Fungus' zombie nature and the three trying to prevent this. The hotel itself is one of several main locations used in the show. Others include the school and Sam's railway carriage.
Maggot and Fungus, the two little zombies, are very excited because their first day of human school is approaching. But their mother Urnetta forbids them to speak to anyone at school. After all, no one shall find out that they are zombies.