Bel Ami - Part 1

Crime/Drama, Germany 1968

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George Duroy is handsome, intelligent and carefree. Nevertheless, the former colonial sergeant does not find it easy to gain a foothold in Paris. By chance, he meets his older regimental comrade Charles Forestier, who has in the meantime made it to the position of a well-placed political editor of "La Vie Francaise". Forestier's wife even helps him with his first articles. Then, however, Duroy, who is all too happy to rely on his friends, has to cope with himself alone. He succeeds thanks in part to his charm and a healthy assertiveness. A lady of the world, Madame de Marelle, becomes his mistress, and a contentious article earns him a duel and the attention of his publisher, Monsieur Walter. When friend Forestier succumbs to an ailment, Duroy immediately proposes marriage to his wife ...
112 min
FSK 12
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Helmut Käutner


Guy de Maupassant (Novel "Bel Ami")


Helmut Griem (Georges Duroy)

Violetta Ferrari (Clotilde de Marelle)

Erika Pluhar (Madeleine Forestier)

Heinz Theo Branding (Charles Forestier)

Wolfgang Schwarz (Jacques Rival)

Claus Clausen (Norbert de Varenne)

Original title:

Bel Ami


4:3 SD, Color

Age rating:

FSK 12

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