Watt the Fish (French version)

Society/Nature, France 2019

Not available
A film which captures the birth of a common political front between traditional fishermen on both sides of the Channel (and beyond) under Brexit Era. They are bound to fight together for survival against the industrial lobbies! From the local European fisheries to the corridors of the EU Parliament, a vivid account of what it takes to ban electric fishing for a more sustainable approach to the sea ressources. A true immersive investigation over two years featuring ordinary heroes fighting powerful corporations, confused politicians and hard hitting activists united to turn EU regulations upside down. Heated debates and tensed discussions, demonstrations, media campaign and scientific controversy are all part of the plot, in this empowering film! A feel good movie with a cinematographic approach… This film is also available in English.
53 min
Starting at 12
Audio language:

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Nicolas Mollet

Sound Design:

Benoît Déchaut

Original title:

Watt the Fish

Original language:



16:9 HD, Color

Age rating:

Starting at 12

Audio language:


Further links:

The Movie Database